Well spotted Mr C.
As you can see this little owl was very well camouflaged.
A few enjoyable hours spent at Rodley Nature Reserve.
There didn't seem to be much about, and then after a cup of coffee and scone, we headed off to another hide, where we saw a little owl last year.
Not much at first, and the spotted some bullfinches.
While looking at them, MrC spotted the little owl sitting quite still up in the tree.
It took while before I spotted it.
Then an inquisitive grey squirrel came along, and got a bit too close, so off it flew onto a fence post, and eventually flew off over the field.
There was another lady in the hide, who was thrilled to see it, as she hadn't seen one before.
Then a gentleman came along, and said we were the first to see it this year.
He took a fabulous photo, but then he had a much better camera than my little pocket Lumix. Still I didn't think that my photo was too bad.
Hope you like it.
A couple more photos on extras.
We also saw our first sand martins of the year, but they were much too fast for a photo.
I have also tagged this for WildWed52. Many thanks to Cailleach for hosting this.
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