The Southern Steps

 . . . just outside the back door!  Another beautiful day once the haar had rolled away.  First thing this morning you couldn't see across the bay, it was so thick, but by 9am it was much improved. 
Lots of forking and raking of the beds in the back garden, moved pots around with the help of a strong Postie, who's still on annual leave, and had a proper blitz of the greenhouse so I'm ready to start all over again in there.  It's only small and over the winter tends to become a dumping ground for bits and pieces.  Gathered together two big black bags of plastic plant pots; they seem to breed under the greenhouse staging!  I shall put them to the recycling centre and see if anyone else wants them.

In a fit of optimism I have put the garden chairs back outside.  Hopefully we'll be breakfasting al fresco before too long!  Extra is a scruffy looking shag on the slipway.

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