Growing old disgracefully



No water in our village until 6 am tomorrow. May have to resort to drinking gin and going to bed with a filthy old man.

Accompanied someone to hospital today for one of those 'investigative procedures' which may be very minor in a medic's eyes but which scare the wits out of us lesser mortals who don't like having our orifices poked - at least not by blunt instruments. The waiting room experience could be so easily improved. I don't mean to be critical of medical staff - our local experience of the NHS is excellent. It's just that some of the receptionists seem unaware of how their officiousness can intimidate people - some of whom are in pain, or scared of an unknown diagnosis or wishing they had never reported that lump or bleeding and made everyone so busy for no reason.

So we check in at the desk, a little earlier than requested because we don't want to hold anyone up, to be sharply dismissed because the desk is not yet set up. When the time to check eventually comes along, we are called forward all at once. Finally, after we have queued for a while along with some others who find standing and walking quite difficult, we are told we are at the wrong desk. No, my companion did not read the calling notice wrongly, the clinic has been changed.
Of course, this is happening because the staff are overworked and stressed, we all understand that and are meek and uncomplaining. But I don' think it needs to be like this, not if people get access to training in how to manage stress, how to be present with the public, how making eye contact makes a difference, how the word 'sorry' can ease so much difficulty.

Thankfully, my companion did not have to wait long and had exemplary treatment, plus a heart warming 'all clear'. While I sat waiting, I met a delightful man who was quite unwell, but exceptionally cheery and rejoicing in the return of the dark skies at night so he could do more star gazing. I would have loved to have taken his portrait, but didn't have the nerve to ask.

Seriously, I'm not complaining about the water. I am so grateful we have it on tap year round, fresh, clean, and pleasant tasting. What a daily miracle.

Excellent water on tap
Superb NHS
Lovely call from my Canadian granddaughter who is SO excited about starting back at school today

Mended the shed door (lots of sawing and screwing and running up and down our long garden because I never had quite the right tool at the right time).

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