Into the light

We assembled in Waterloo Place at 1 pm then had to mill around for about an hour before the march set off, up Regent Road and down Abbeyhill to rally outside the parliament. It was a glorious day, first time this year we've felt too warm and had to remove layers. Several blippers were present, including Arclight (on her fine new NHS knee) and Mr A.

After listening to the speeches we headed off up Calton Rd for Mr H to have a little retail therapy in John Lewis, passing a small group from the "White Pride" march who were being quizzed by a large group of police at the back of the station. I'm pretty sure I heard one of the latter use the phrase "yer wee numpty" when addressing one of the smaller fascists. We realised that some of the folk we'd expected at the March for Europe but not spotted had probably gone to counter-demonstrate against the wee uglies. So many marches, so little time.

We walked back down Leith Walk, stopping at the Leith Depot for a pint and to catch up with the football results. I then heard a familiar voice at the bar - it was none other than the lovely etherghost, continuing on her comprehensive survey of Leith pubs with friend Phillip. We naturally sat and had more pints and blethered about Europe, Scotland and America.

When we eventually got home we felt unable to risk cookery, so had a Chinese takeaway....and a very early night!

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