Room Service

What a day! The husband of someone I know slightly came round to fit my blinds - and take the lid of a jar that had refused to budge for me, and to fit bulbs in my front room lights that had similarly defeated me! It takes small halogen bulbs and i had tried every sized bulb I could to no avail - the lights were put in 17 years ago and I was beginning to think they were obsolete! Not so! Just needed a firmer approach! Well after this it was one thing after the other - could he fit a shelf in Gunther's vivarium? Case in the water heater which was moved 8 years ago and has had a temporary Heath Robinson cover ever since?Plaster bits that had fallen as the house moved in it's grand old age? Check the crack in the kitchen ceiling? The staining on my chimney breast in the attic? Paint the outside wall which was never done when my conservatory had been built? It was yes to all! Then we spoke about the kitchen! I have hated the cupboards since I moved in 17 years ago but money wise had never considered changing them and a fitted kitchen is just not my style although I admire others! Well he designs and fits kitchens and did the cafe in the village! He loves doing upcycled jobs and I think he is just the man to make me a quirky kitchen! I asked about the plastered over fireplace and he said he could expose it and fit a cooker in it! 

Ah - here comes the rub! 
If I have the kitchen remodelled it will cost money, obviously! Money that could be saved if I plan to move and would be a waste? So do I go ahead and give up my idea of moving? Is my idea of a garden, dog, chickens, etc just a pipe dream I need to let go of? Do I really want to leave the village, the community, the views? Would I find the upkeep of a garden too much as I age which might necessitate another move? Much to think on! Part of me thinks do what I want now, who knows what the future will bring so why stress about it? So I will look at kitchen magazines and mull it all over! There is no urgency apart from the fact I would like to have this decision made - maybe not go for the expense of the fireplace excavation and so limit the expense for the possibility of a future move still! I am going to go backward and forward on this one but I'm rather relieved something has come along to make me really decide what I want for now all things being equal - which they never are!

Once he had left I went and played with my blinds which I love! Then I put things back in different places and moved stuff out! Then Nellie of the Woods called! It appears she is worried about me. I assured her I was ok but not ok! Not ok but fine with the fact I was! Just coming to terms with "stuff" and as is my way retreating from events / people.As I have visitors for much of April my solitude will soon be broken so again I am not going to stress about it! It amused us both that I have visitors at a time I'm retreating! But I need to come out sometime so i'm ok they are coming to necessitate me doing so!

Finally chicken bedtime! The others have not been taking the eggs - probably because they don't look in the bins to realise they are there! Their loss the chickens gain - they do like a fresh egg! On opening the nesting box to lift broody Izzy out pecking and squawking I discovered  Betsy in there with her! Betsy is very old  and very big and hobbles. When finds getting in and out of the coop difficult and launches herself in and out - which when she is coming out means she crash lands! To save her doing this or not doing it and missing out on the rare treat of an egg, I broke one into a bowl with some corn I had already given them! As you can see from the extra Izzy had already crept underneath her to get at the corn! Henrietta then appeared to see what was going on! I do so love my girls - they make me laugh! 

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