Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Sleepless in Edinburgh

Archie had one of his wee 'turns' last night. He was unsettled for absolutely ages. Then he ran around the house, somewhat agitated - so was I when I realised the time! I let him out to the back green, where he ran around frantically, and eventually did his business, came back in, and settled. This was about 3am.

I couldn't sleep at all after this, and listened to my audiobook, 'We Are All Made of Glue' by Marina Lewycka, which I'm quite enjoying, but not really at 4am...

He then got up at 7am and started running round the house again! I let him out (there was SNOW!) and he had another (very skittery) poo. Poor wee chap. (I did go in the morning and clean it all up, with the help of gallons of water).

He then settled down again, and didn't move when I got up to go swimming - he's usually at the door ready to go out by the time I get my shoes on. He's been playing around today, and seems none the worse for his troubled night. But was it his 'turns' or an upset stomach? Hopefully it was the latter, and he'll get over that.

JR made a cake while I spent ages re-setting my Bose speaker to work with the new wifi setup.

My gym is getting some new state-of-the-art gear. Well, just updating the old gear to what every other gym in the country has. So I won't be able to do my circuit on Thursday. :-(

Here he is with his birthday toy from Rufus, which he managed to rip a wee hole in, so it has been removed from his clutches for a stitch in time.

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