Tousled Mop

Looking remarkably similar to my hair in this mad weather - hail, sleet, snow on the mountain. Still the air is clear judging by all the lichen. I especially liked this little tuft full of raindrops.

Not much to report - I nipped into Bantry and was surprised by two guinea fowl crossing the road. I of course pulled in, and there were two more free-range in the field, making a very odd mechanical whirring sound. I remember we had them in the garden of my first halls of residence when I was at college. In those day there were no fridges and we used to leave our milk and butter on the window ledge and the guinea fowl would leap up, whirring, to avail of the treasures. Remarkably daft birds.

Tonight's arthouse is Toni Erdmann : a ( very long)  German comedy! I'm saying nothing but will report back. We shall be well fortified with chips first.

Thanks to Freyjad for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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