A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

First footing

Backblipped last night - "The Spirit of Tattyhead"

We went to my uncle and aunt's house again last night for New Year (after they had done such a good job of feeding us on Christmas day!) - mum and Roy are over from Spain so we went to see the New Year in with them and my Grandma.

Somehow, my Uncle Dave managed to persuade James that he needed to bring the New Year in for us by 'first footing' - so James was despatched out of the back door with a piece of bread, a piece of coal and some loose change (food, fuel and money) and walked round the house with my step dad (Grandad Roy!) and knocked on the front door to come in just after Big Ben sounded midnight.

Bless him - he was freezing and covered in coal dust and the look on his face is one of "please let me in, I'm not really impressed!"

A lovely night and driving home on the M6 at 1a.m was bliss - no other cars to speak of apart from 1 numpty who we followed from Crewe to the motorway, and then onto the motorway who was clearly under the influence of too many drinks - it was a massive relief to get past him! Never a police car around when you need one.

Hope 2009 is a good year for everyone


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