You're Fired!

The brief reign of Donald the First has been completely nuts so far. But let's stay calm and look for the silver lining. ...Donald Trump has indeed already made some of America Great Again. Just not the aspects he intended. 

He has breathed new zest into a wide range of things: feminism, liberalism, student activism, newspapers, cable news, protesters, bartenders, shrinks, Twitter, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), "SNL", town halls, George Orwell. Margaret Atwood, Hannah Arendt, Stephen Colbert, Nordstrom, separation of powers....and division of church and state.

We're going to have to pace ourselves...still the main way that Trump is proving that America is great is that the affronted and angered are rising up to take him on....
-Maureen Dowd
  New York Times
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For opponents of President Donald Trump, his first seven weeks in office went about as badly for the country as they expected. The pleasant surprise is their own capacity for resistance and political resilience. What some feared might be a Trump juggernaut is instead the Trump jalopy, a wheezing unsightly contraption with grinding gears and missing parts....

Trump's opponents must keep two quite different ideas in their heads at the same time. They should be encouraged by what they have accomplished, and build on it. And they  should do more than just speak to each other. Resistance must be accompanied by persuasion.
-E.J. Dionne
Washington Post

It took awhile for me to figure out how to pace myself, but after considerable angst-filled reflection, I realized that I can't do everything, or even a small part of everything but I can do something...I have settled on three courses of action:
1. I write letters. Today is The Ides of Trump campaign . Everyone who disagrees with him, is offended by him, does not want to be represented by him or anything he stands for is being encouraged to send a postcard to the White House today, March 15, the Ides of March.  I'm not sure I agree with the necessity to insult him, but the idea of the White House buried in postcards of disapproval does satisfy something in my more vindictive and unforgiving side. And the visual proof of people's anger would be an "an alternative fact" to be reckoned with!

2. I joined the Glen Ellen Huddle, an offshoot of the Women's March in January.  I'm hoping that it will be a more coordinated resistance effort, and that all the different huddles that met in February can form some sort of network for unified action. We have a very good facilitator who designed this postcard. Mine went off in the mail today

3. I am working with the owner of a local Pilates/dance studio to start a free class in restorative yoga and relaxation meditation for people with cancer. This is something I am good at, have done before and is a way for me to give back to the community in a non-political way. In fact, it is my hope that it will provide a politics free zone.

I had a couple of skin cancers removed from my leg today and have been ordered to stay off my feet for a week...not something I'm very good at, but it has given me a chance to get caught up on a lot of sedentary chores. Just to make sure I do it, Heather, who performed the surgery has had my leg wrapped from ankle to knee....

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