Snowy Egret egretta thula

I have posted  several egret pictures, but we are fortunate to have several types to choose from and they are so wonderful to watch. This snowy egret was clearly in hunting mode and we saw it catch several little fish while we stood. I actually got a picture of that, but i liked the way the light shone through its pristine white plumage.They are recognized by their black legs and yellow feet…if they aren't knee deep in water. (Do birds have knees?)

The snowy egrets are listed as endangered. One of their large nesting grounds is at Dillon Beach where we frequently take Ozzie. The egrets make their nests on the sand and nothing protects them from all the dogs romping on the beach except for a couple of signs warning people to keep their dogs away. No wonder they are endangered, although people are very respectful of the signs and the whole area.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes and get well wishes. I am happy to report that the quiet observance at Willi's Wine Bar lived up to expectations, as it always does. We sat at the bar and had things like truffle aioli frites, scallop dumplings, endive and arugula salad with almonds , avocado and manchego cheese and pork belly dumplings. They are small plates, but we still ate far too much…. 

My health is improving daily and it has stopped raining. The sky is blue and the temperatures are expected to be in the 70's by tomorrow.I watched a flock of birds wheeling in the sky …returning, perhaps, from wherever they went to overwinter. Soon we will begin to see signs of nest building….

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