
I had a dilemma last night. Would I watch Oscar Pistorious competing in the 100 metres at the Paralympics or watch the end of Festival fireworks at the castle.

I had almost decided to watch the blade runners in action when the thunderous boom of the opening fireworks resonated round the tall buildings of Quartermile and tempted me out to find a nearby vantage viewing point, but not before I set the recorder on the TV.

The trouble with living on the south side of the Castle is the inability to see any of the firework action on the north side.
Nevertheless, I heard the music thanks to an enterprising person with an amplifying system in an adjoining street and saw the beautifully synchronised firework extravaganza in the sky above the Castle.

I did watch the blade runners when I got back, and was of course hoping that pin up boy Oscar would win, and was disappointed that he was pipped at the post by the man from Brazil.

I was further disappointed that he was less than magnanimous in defeat.
His outburst was out of character and I was sorry that he was unguarded enough to complain about a perceived unlevel playing field at that point in time.
He has since apologised, so the black mark has been downgraded to a smudge.

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