
After months of not walking with a dog and therefore not having to interact with other dog owners I'd forgotten how opinionated they are, and how they have no problem sharing their views (personally I believe in the mantra 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything' - unless I'm under the influence of course, then I really can't be trusted)
I'm frequently being told 'oooo, he's going to be big, look at the size of his feet'*
and, 'white...he must get so dirty'**
and, 'look at the length of his eyelashes, the girls will be jealous'***
At least I haven't been told he's the wrong colour for a golden retriever or the wrong size - but there's time yet.

* no shit, this is our second retriever, the other one was a behemoth too.
** all dogs get dirty (unless you carry it around in a handbag, in which case it's not a dog!) but at least with a white one you can see where the dirt is.
*** sure, whatever.

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