A time for everything

By turnx3

Lunch at the Bonbonnerie

Laura and I went out for lunch today to the Bonbonnerie in O'Bryonville, a famous bakery in the area - one of those places you just have to visit, and yet we never had. At least, Roger and I never had, and Laura hadn't until a couple of weeks ago when she went with two of her friends, who couldn't believe that she'd never been! Whilst they're principally known for their wonderful cakes, they also have a cafe and serve lunch. I had some yummy spinach and asiago quiche with a side salad, Laura had one of their specials, and we shared a delicious slice of their Opera cream cake. The cafe is on one side of the building, and the bakery is on the other, on the upper level. After our lunch, we went to the bakery to get a piece of cake to take home for Roger, and I took this shot along the pathway linking the two. We'd thought of going to the movies in the evening, but there wasn't anything showing that appealed to us, so we just stayed home and played Boggle and watched a movie on Netflix.

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