The China Cabinet

It's been a busy old day. After my run, breakfast, and shower I was into a very long list I hoped to achieve for Dad today.

With better weather I took the opportunity to get 4 full loads of washing done, including some linen that is hard for Dad to do. Tonight he'll have a freshly cleaned mattress protector and bedspread.

The photo I thought I'd taken (but didn't) showed piles of labelled linen stacked on the sofa prior to me packing it in preparation for his shift. All linen supplies have had a jolly good sort out and I've set him up with what he'll need at his new place.

Dad is understandably tired today after the past 3 days of celebrations. He'll likely need another transfusion later in the week but at least today with me there I've been able to help him with every day things a little of what he needs to take when he moves.

Before I left during the evening he chose some mugs he'd like to take, and some Barry Brickell pottery pieces for the kitchen. I also fitted in a couple of table cloths he chose and place mats my sister gave him and Mum. There is a lot more packing and decisions to be made and my brother and sister-in-law will help with that during the week.

I didn't take the photo I thought I had but I did take this one of these rather lovely black and white tea cups, saucers, and plates. How I wish I'd asked Mum about their history.

The black and gold coffee set on the left Dad bought in China over 60 years ago when he was a ships engineer based in Hong Kong. It's as fine as egg shells and miraculously it's survived all these years.

The the blipper on the right? Well, that charming example of a middle aged woman is me ;-)

I spend my last night in Auckland proper with an old friend I used to wind surf with and who I've shared many of adventures over the years.

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