Another day of Celebrations

Dad asked his family to accompany him to church this morning. Most of us made it but not those laid low with colds.

The post match function featured more singing happy birthday, candles, and much cake admiring. This was the opportunity to cut into this exceptionally fine cake once all the admirers had paid due respect.

Dad is pretty tired today and his compromised blood will working overtime with very little to work with. He still enjoyed the morning tea and had enough puff to blow out the candles. Yes, there's a lot of cake and candles in my life (and blips) at present but it's a special one and worth documenting.

The immediate family shared lunch with Dad at his place. I admire that Dad faces the end part of his life with dignity and courage. He's clear about what he does and doesn't want and those things are good to know.

Shortly he'll shift from the last home he and Mum shared together to a smart 2 bedroom apartment he'll find easier to manage. We discussed some of those details and tomorrow I'll help him start to pack what he needs to take with him.

These are special days to spend with my lovely Dad and I'm only too happy to help him, just as he's helped me throughout my life.

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