Craft Work.

I've made up a box of bits and pieces for Isabella to stick in a book.

She seemed to enjoy putting the glue on the paper more than sticking the bits on.  And she thought it was hilarious when I got feathers stuck to my fingers.

But I loved it when the first thing she did when her Mum arrived, was to get the book and proudly showed her what she'd done.

Rain has finally arrived, and the temperature has fallen.  So, although not cold, I wouldn't let her play with water today, as it was too cool for that.

Instead, we played outside with pasta, both plain and dyed.  She put it into cup cake cases, and pretended to be cooking them on my herb stand.

Of course, I had to pretend to eat them as well.

She sat and looked at her books whilst I was preparing the dinner.  and when she got fed up with that she sat in her high chair, near the counter, and watched me cutting up the vegetables.

She also managed to get me to give her a bowl of cheese and a drink of milk.

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