Sammy being unco-operative

Sammy is such an attention-seeking dog... until a camera is produced and then she goes all silly and camera-shy. Like a lot of humans, I suppose.

Earlier I took my neck for a follow-up appointment with the chiropractor. The problem neck had been much better for a couple of days, then felt worse yesterday after that long walk on hard pavements, so again she tweaked my neck in both directions. The sound of the manoeuvre is really quite alarming!

This time, as well as the Chinese cupping, I was treated to something called an impulse adjuster, which looks a bit like a Black & Decker drill (other makes available) but issues a series of very fast hammer-like actions to affected areas. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I don't know if these two treatments, while very pleasant, are all that effective. One has to presume that the expert knows what she's doing!

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