Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

There is a saying..

that here in the South we can have 4 seasons in a few days!  And we did this week.   Thursday it was nearly 80F, felt like early summer, Friday was a little windy and chilly, like the fall, Saturday, cloudy and spring time, and this morning we woke up to a little "wintery mix"..very cold, rain mixed with snow, then just snow for about 3 hours.   Then it just stopped.  

I took this one out that kitchen window during the heaviest snow.   Right now all the snowy ice is melted and I don't think the flowers were harmed as it did not get below freezing.   They are still calling for colder weather and rain today.  A couple days in the 20F range at night. I hope the sun come out so the azaleas dry off so I can cover them with sheets on those nights to keep any frost off.  

It has been a strange day but then we have had snow in March before..sometimes several inches but it is very rare.

Another azalea from the front porch in the extras.

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