All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fluffy Carpets

Granny and Grandpa took Ethan to his gymnastics class this morning and then drove him back to Beith with them, as he's having a sleepover with them tonight. Grandpa had asked if he could go home with them as there was a fundraising day going on at Spiers School grounds which he wanted to take him to - bouncy castles, facepainting etc. Apparently Ethan even got to hold an owl!

It worked out well for us as we were getting new carpets fitted today (well, half of them, the other half on Monday). The house is currently upside down so it gave us a chance to tidy up a bit and then pull up the other carpets which are being replaced. I'd forgotten how much of a mess new carpets being laid makes and how much fluff is involved!

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