The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow...
I cannot explain how exhausted I felt last night.
In the last 5 weeks, I have said goodbye to my husband for a couple of weeks, my Boy for Nine months, and yesterday my Baby, for as long as she decides to stay in her hall.
Si and I drove home separately because it took two cars to take all her stuff up!!! Argh. So we had plenty of quiet time on our own to contemplate the departure of our littlest one.
We got in, sat on the couch and watched Dr Who, and ached. My head was numb and every muscle in my body was aching. I decided a drink was in order to relax me, and chill me out. One was followed by another, and another, and another. I couldn't believe how smothered my brain felt - too much been going on in my head for the last few weeks, and it had just had enough.
It has taken me all day to become upright. I still feel disgusting, and my body is rejecting me on every level. But my head is functioning again, and it is telling me that all is good. Toolibelle has been in touch - all is good
When I got out out of bed at 5... I watched Dr Who Again, because I really didn't see any of it last night, despite watching it - isn't it weird how mentally exhausted you can become.
I will be heading to bed again shortly. That wee dawdle to the beach (from the beach car park) has fairly taken it out of me. Am exhausted, and I have to be up for work in the morning.
At least I don't have to worry about getting anyone else up and out their bed and off to work :-)
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