Today was mainly about Work in Progress of a paying kind. And also of a very very dull kind. I'm correcting possibly the worst written dissertation you could imagine: 27 000 words of repetition, deviation and hesitation. Grim. I'm getting bored with trying to ascertain meaning and increasing putting notes on the text saying "I don't know what you're trying to say here" and the like. The author has English as a second language though, so I can't be too mean or sarcastic about the language - but I think I can about the non-sequiturs, internal contradictions and things like typing "not" instead of "now", therefore changing the whole meaning of a sentence into something nonsensical.
Anyway, the deadline is tomorrow lunchtime, so I am hoping to be able to dedicate tomorrow afternoon to a more pleasurable work in progress: the plot where the potatoes were recently dug out - you can still see a few that didn't make the cut for the journey to the kitchen awaiting transport to the compost heap. Though this will one day be an elegant and fragrant flower bed in front of our 'outdoor living room' (ooh, get me), for now it is a vegetable plot and must work hard for us... So I'm looking for suitable autumn/winter veg to put in. I'm tempted just to fill it with chard since that has worked so well elsewhere - growing furiously with almost no water - but I fear that may be too much of a good thing. The kids already grimace when I suggest chard for dinner. So I thought I'd just pop in a bit of everything I have left-over seeds for, and see what has time to grow before winter.
School tomorrow, so obviously the kids should have been early to bed... Hmmm. Katherine had a birthday party to go to today, and with me slaving away over a hot keyboard and Mr B packing to go back to London, it was late before dinner was a reality. Now an evening off, I think, with a pile of ironing higher than my hip, and a fluffy drama to watch.
Tonight I must rest, for tomorrow I will dig....
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