All the fun of the fair
Somehow I slept in until nearly noon today. Glorious. Then a super-quick dash into town to get the very very last thing needed for the kids going back to school (so I thought). A lovely fizzy lunch outside got the weekend properly started, followed by a nap for Mr B and more sorting out of school supplies for me. During which Katherine announced that her pencil case was broken... but she just hadn't felt it was worth mentioning in the two and a half months since it had happened. Sigh. It's not like we haven't been in a dozen shops selling pencil cases in the last few days or anything.
At about the same time, we remembered that we still had no present for a party Katherine is off to tomorrow, so we combined a 'just before the shops close' trip into town with an early evening visit to the fair. I'm sure the headache I had when I arrived was psychological; the one when we left was the real thing. But the kids had fun: Conor learned about dodgems; Katherine pronounced herself to scared to try them (?) All did well on the shooting, and I was particularly tickled by the Angry Birds stall (you fire toy birds from a catapult to knock over pigs. And so, sticky from candy floss, and laden down with plastic tat, we headed home. Somehow managing to resist the temptations of the kebab stall to come back and get the bbq lit.
A fascinating political/democracy/dictatorship discussion with Katherine ensued; Mr B says she's getting more like me every day, and I'm not sure he meant that in a good way...
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