a promise kept

This morning in Wyoming it was much warmer, a balmy 52 F! But the skies were still threatening rain. I was encouraged to be heading in the direction of the sun, and even caught a glimpse of a faint rainbow on my way out of town. So I figured the Good Lord was giving me a sign that I would have a dry ride.

Well I was wrong! I rode into a power wash- but this time I had my rain gear on, was not the least bit cold, and there was virtually no traffic or mountain passes to contend with. The rain was streaming down my face and right into my mouth, and it tasted quite fresh! (You know that motorcycles do not have windshield wipers so the only way to see the road is to stick your face above the shield)

Suddenly I rode out of the storm and was given this vivid rainbow as a new promise of God's provision. And indeed I had a dry ride through the rest of Wyoming, Utah, and past Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

I have a half day ride home tomorrow, and look forward to sleeping in my own bed with hubby and hound.

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