Just one more block...

The Rooster has always been one for a big Lego tower. When he was younger and we had a mantle above the fire...we used to have the things sitting on the mantle touching the ceiling! They'd sit there for days at a time!

Today after Church he was inducting his wee cousin in the way of the big Lego towers. These ones didn't last very long though as the cousin liked to know them down as soon as they were finished...oh how he laughed when all the blocks came tumbling down with a wee mischievous glint in his eye.

After lunch we headed to a birthday party where more fun was had on bouncy castles and party games and dancing. It was fun and nice to catch up with friends we haven't seen for a few weeks.

Back home for a quiet Sunday evening...oh and more of that cheesecake.

Grateful for the chuckles and mischief of these boys.

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