Happy Daze

By Dazed


Mr Dazed bought me these for Christmas, lilies are my favourite.

Not an inspired blip today, am knackered from helping my Mum alphabetise her books. I moved from book retail to wholesale a couple of years ago but the urge to alphabetise is still oh so strong...

I took a few pics of the lilies, some in black and white as I have finally found the colour settings on my camera, yay! It's only been a month, perhaps I should read the instructions? Nah, it would spoil the fun. You can see what a mess the pollen has been making of my living room floor, it's lucky I have stripped floorboards. Plus no cats of course, though I would dearly love one if I wasn't so darn allergic to them.

Moussaka in the oven and a horror flick on DVD to watch. Aaaaah.

Hope you're all enjoying the last few days of 2008!

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