Happy Daze

By Dazed

The calm after the boob whalloping

I went for a walk to get some fresh air, take some pictures and pick up some coffee for my new coffee machine - and thought that while I was there I might have a wee donder round the sales. I set one foot in HMV and got whalloped in the right boob and almost knocked over by a would-be shoplifter who was attempting to escape from a security guard. I worked in retail for a long time and loathe shoplifters with such a passion, it was very satisfying seeing the wee naif get hauled through the back by his hoodie.

After that incident I walked along to Whittards (which I will miss so much if it closes!) and bought some lovely coffee. I did consider walking to the West End but Princes St was such a scrum that I legged it - and snapped this in St Andrews Square gardens on the way back.

It's nice to be home :)

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