Ferry closed

Typical Lakeland weather all day. Opened the curtains to rain, drew curtains in the evening to rain.

The weather scuppered our plans, as you can see, to cross Windermere to visit Claife Heights (and its tea room) and Hill Top. So it was about turn back into Bowness to find a coffee shop. Decided on Brysons but was not impressed. Decaf was quite weak, scones warmed and doughy and charged for jam even though I didn't have any and he took the butter packs that we didn't use before I had the chance to pack them away.

From there we followed our footsteps from last night up to Windermere via Longlands Road and Rayrigg Woods and then on up to Orrest Head where the view, as we knew it would be, was none-existent. There were one or two other hardy souls about and the path up there has been rebuilt and rerouted to make all but the last 100 yards pushchair friendly.

Returned in time to watch two games of rugby, something I don't always have the opportunity to do. A very pleasant evening with lamb chops for dinner from Herdwick sheep, a bottle of decent red and a good fire.

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