
The week in which will be difficult to diet continues apace: today Dean arrived. I was working from home, this afternoon, as it's half-term and I have the kids today and tomorrow. I was hoping to be all done by the time Dean arrived late afternoon but we've been dragged into another tender, so once I'd given him a hug and made us a cup of tea, I had to get back to it.

Dan had gone to meet his girlfriend from school*, but Abi was already at the house and she was delighted to see Dean. She came down and chatted to him in a way that I'm not sure I've heard her to talk to anyone else (except, perhaps, sometimes with the Minx). She was thoroughly entertaining, keeping the conversation bobbing along and, at times, being very funny. 

Later on, work done, we went to collect Dan from his girlfriend's and then took him into Lancaster for his guitar lesson but not before going for a bite to eat at Go Burrito. Here's the gang, chatting away. I love how much the kids love Dean.

-4.3kg FFS, I can feel it slipping away from me :-/

*Lancaster school: different half-term dates.

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