Dino Bricks at Woodhorn

After another play in the woods we headed down to Woodhorn colliery museum to see the Dinobricks exhibition. Nathaniel is obsessed with dinosaurs. These were all models made of Lego. After looking at the exhibits, and pretending they were hatching out the eggs, they played with the Lego in the creative area before having a picnic I'd taken. We did treat them to an ice cream. They played on the outdoor climbing slides before asking for another look round the exhibition.

I always find Woodhorn a sad place. Once 2,500 people were employed at the coal mine, but it was closed in 1986, during Thatcher's big closing down process after the Miners' Strike of 84-85. It is good it is preserved as a museum though. The children were too young to appreciate the history of mining, but they enjoyed the outing.

Here is Nathaniel getting up close to the model of the masiakasaurus. He knew the names of nearly all of them, and certainly could pronounce their names better than I.

They are now home with their parents who'd had a lovely time. When Nathaniel saw some of their pictures of the beautiful food they'd had, he said "I don't like oysters. I like sushi".

We are having Ella again on Sunday night and Monday as it is an inset day for teachers, meaning her mum is working and Ella's school is also closed. She says she doesn't want to come on her own without her little brother. He said "I'll come on my own" - but his nursery is open.

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