Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Day 17 of the MASA mission to the third planet

Early this morning MASA (Mars Aeronautics and Space Administration) held a press conference to report the latest discoveries made by their Mars probe on the third planet from the sun.
This high definition image is probably the most important one to have been beamed back from the third planet thus far.
To the lower right there is a small silicaceous rock that appears to have been worked into a tool by an sentient animate being, proving that the planet once supported advanced life forms.
The large patterned rock in the upper left is causing even more excitement among the MASA scientists. Up to this point the accepted wisdom had been that large quantities of water on the third planet had once supported life, but that a catastrophic change in climate had led to its loss and the extinction of all life. However laser/atomic spectrography of the surface of the patterned rock strongly suggests that it is covered in a primitive autotrophic life form. If this is confirmed then there must be small quantities of water still present on the planet.
At last, we seem to have evidence that we Martians are not alone in the Universe. Truly we are blessed to live in such interesting times.

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