Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Day 16 of the MASA mission to the third planet

Just over 2 weeks ago Mission Control at MASA (Mars Aeronautics and Space Administration) announced that they had successfully landed an unmanned mobile probe on third planet from the sun.
MASA have just released the latest high resolution images from the probe's high definition colour cameras. The probe is now well into its programme of scientific investigations and has already travelled some 1.5 km from its landing site.
This fascinating image appears to show some kind of stone and bronze artifact created by the primitive creatures that once lived on this, now barren, planet. The probe's on-board ground-penetrating radar indicates that the object is perched on top of a stone column some 52 metres high, now completely buried in the dry, desert sand.
At this time, MASA archaeologists are divided on the precise nature and function of the structure but are agreed that it was probably of ritual significance. Some are of the opinion that the object could be a deity of some kind, possibly erected to celebrate some victory or other. Others even believe that it may be a representation of the creatures that built the structure. If that is indeed the case then these 3-limbed aliens were bizarre in the extreme. You certainly wouldn't want to meet one of them on a dark Martian night!

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