Growing old disgracefully



Seven years ago this week, our younger granddaughter was born. Her home is four and a half thousand miles away, so don't see her as often as we would like and have to rely on letter, emails and phone calls. When she was tiny I wanted her to be able to identify my voice when I called so at every opportunity I would singBee Baw Babbity down the phone, or on the rare occasions we saw her. Later, when she begun to speak, we were amused to find that she thought my name was Babbity! For many years she called me Babbity, but now she is more sophisticated and calls me Granny. Today we received her first ever hand written letter thanking us for her birthday gift and I was delighted to see myself addressed as 'Babbity' once more. It's tough being a long distance Gran, especially this year when our plans to see her and her big brother fell through, but I was cheered by this confirmation of the connection and love between us.

Granddaughters (obviously)
Looking forward to kayaking tomorrow - if the weather is ok
Nice message from my lovely sister
Viewing the bike I intend to buy

Two mile walk up the hill after breakfast. The Prof's approach is get the exercise out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the day - wise thought, no wonder they made him a Prof.

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