Patio Plants

So far behind with blip.Thank you for all your comments especially the nice ones and I will reply as soon as and catch up with what everyone has been doing.
In the picture is our first main batch of patio plants.We have been getting used to setting up the new transplanter and yesterday we had a tray filler on trial but we soon realised it is not big enough but we have it for four weeks until we can get the machine we want.Still it has made the job faster and easier.

I have spent six hours on the road doing a three hour delivery today.The motorway blocked and the main road alternative blocked also.This gives me a chance to listen to the radio.I didn't fancy the communist views of radio four so radio two.Chris Evans shouting didn't stay on for long.Ken Bruce has only ever talked about how tight the Scotts are for the last thirty years so that was turned off.Jeremy Vine where does he get those cranks who call his show and do their opinions matter anyway so that crap was turned off.Steve Wright was doing the identical show when I was at school and it was bad then and has certainly got no better.iTunes is costing me a small fortune but on a long journey it is worth every penny.My sort of thing that keeps me going when the journey is long and the driving hardAfter All

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