Marathon Man
First run since last May which was purely accidental as I thought I was going to play tennis & no one was there...
Still, I mused, why not run a little around the pitch black park and make friends with wild dogs and people who live in bushes. And so this is what I valiantly did using said dogs as mere hurdles and said bush people as 'it's a Knockout' obstacles as I ran at speeds not known to Mo Farrow & Ball.
I may technically have paused for a few moments to take this fine art photograph that will within days be adorning some Great Hall of this fair Isle, but this pause did not last for longer than was necessary.
In other news our Lords are being harassed by the PM giving them a Paddington hard stare. I personally would not like this. She puts the willies up me and I'm pretty sure she has hobbies that involve things like dissecting teddy bears and swallowing whole eggs. Still at least Trumpy may get the same cobby wobbles as me when faced with shaking her hand and wondering if he's still got his wallet.
I wonder, does Trumpy have a wallet and if so does he carry photos of all his ex-wives?
Anyhow I'm off to run up and downstairs for the next hour or do.
Keep taking the tablets...
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