Dance Among the Stars

By stardancer

Blackberry Time

Today was one of those days where I felt so silly for wasting most of it worrying about things. It was counter-productive and if I wasn't going to work on the things I feel pressured about, then I might as well go out and do nice things! In retrospect, I was being very foolish (although, those problems do still need solving). Hopefully, I will remember more, that if work time isn't working out, then I should have some play time and not waste my time doing worry time!

Play time today was was going to pick blackberries. I don't know how everything ripened up so quickly and how the nights seem to be getting darker so much sooner. Maybe I just missed out on all of that when I was visiting my sister's house. It all seems a little abrupt, but I do like ripe berries. It seems other people do, too, though, so some of the easier to reach blackberries are gone and I ended up having to climb up in some precarious spots and get mangled by the brambles.

I wish my boyfriend was here. The experience is really lovely. You smell the warmth of the ripe blackberries and the sea spray, just a little way off. You hear families laughing together and the waves crashing on shore. You see the plump berries, like glistening black jewels. You feel involved in the quest to claim the soft berries from the depths of the tangled brambles and foliage. Finally, you taste the berries--yum! I wish we could take home a bowl of berries together and make them into a pie, or jam, or have them with ice-cream. Have a home together.

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