from ice to fire

I rode around Glacier Park today instead of taking the popular mountain pass through the middle because it was already so cold at the base - a mere 40 F at 8 a.m. Besides, I am looking for God's secret places, not the heavily traveled roads. And even though it was chilly, the sun was shining brightly and the water in the lakes was dazzling.
But the further south I went the hazier it got, and then smokey, and here at the Idaho border ash was actually falling. Of course I had the road to myself most of the way. And plenty of time to think about how God can bring beauty out of ashes.
On a funny note, I kept seeing "game crossing" signs so I was hoping to see some elk standing in or along the road - no luck. But when I checked into my motel room there was a hand painted mural of 2 Elk! I love God's sense of humor...

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