Birthday Sunrise
As is my tradition, I always start off my birthday down at the lake to catch the sunrise. I have yet to be disappointed. I was actually about 10 mins late getting the deep rich colours that I was hoping for...oops. I left it too late and then caught every red light going down. Aaarggghhh! Note to self...always, always give yourself extra time!
An amazing day....sunrise, walk in the woods where I met a few new deer (for me), Hazel, cardinals, woodpeckers, walk in the meadow where I not only saw ten more deer, but Big Ears was there and came to see me. If you are on Instagram, I am Missmacnature and there is a video (complete with me talking to Big Ears which is a tad embarrassing!). Arrived home in time to Skype with my son, then off to see a movie with my daughter. Home in time to chat with my parents and Skype with a good friend in England. Dinner with my daughter...and yet, another movie! All in all, a fab day and I am going to bed very happy and pleased with the day : )
I feel like an old lady going to bed so early........ ; )
D xx
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