Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Boating Holiday. Day #4

We had some very heavy rain this morning followed by some cracking thunder n lightning. Had lunch then the sun came out. Bliss. This is another beauty spot on the Llangollen canal. As my son P has gained more confidence on the the locks this year, I was able to let him help fellow boaters (mainly beginners) while I clicked away. And he loved every bit of it.

Enough of the Lensbaby lens. Now for the Fisheye lens. With an Infrared filter.

Verdict: success!!!

This is not a "proper" fisheye lens, but more of an attachment to an existing lens. Hence the distortion at the edges. It consists of a 52mm thread which then screws onto my 18-55mm kit lens. I took advantage of this thread size here and stuck my Hoya R72 in between the two lenses. Hey presto an Infrared Fisheye image! This is pretty much how the camera shot the image once WB was set, though it was developed from RAW, in-camera. No Photoshop.

Most "proper" Fisheye lenses don't allow for filters to be fitted due to their rounded/dome-like lens profile. So I think I have bought well here considering it only cost me £29.99 against £600 plus for a proper one!!!

Sye's a happy boy, again. ;-DDDD

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