Snoozes eggs and lambs

Breakfast one prepared
Daddy awake
Breakfast two cooked and eaten

Headed to a NT place. Did a lovely woodland walk finding fairy doors but the NT place didn't open till 11:30 so we headed to the beach

Beach was breezy and pebbly but fun

From here we set off on a bit of a bonkers road trip. We spotted signs for a farm park yesterday as we drove back from the zoo. We had no idea where it was or how far away

Found it
Rammed with oldies eating carvery!
The bloke found us a table, did sausage and chips for the children and directed us to barn a, animals barn b, play area

It was bonkers
But the children loved it
They got to see an hour old lamb
Play in soft play (bit unsure what was lurking in the ball pits!) and boing on a bouncy castle.

Eggs collected
Roast dinner cooked and eaten

Late bath
Late bed

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