I Need Help!

This was exactly the kind of day I envisaged when I said on January 1st that I would not post a blip if there was nothing worth blipping. The trouble is, a-blip-a- day is ingrained in my psyche after more than 7 and a half years.
It was Aristotle who said "Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”
In my case blip every day for over 7 years and nothing will change, short of some calamity.

My illegal daffodils are doing the honours today as nothing else has turned up. They are about to put on a splash of colour just as we leave on a short jaunt to the Moray Coast for a family visit.
With tomorrow's temperatures in double figures and those at the end of the week being cold and icy with high winds. I cannot decide what I should pack. His Lordship does not appear to have the same problem as all his gear has fitted into a small messenger bag.
I'm not sure he has considered the options which worry me - cold, hot, wet, windy.
I, as an accomplished worrier, am trying to pack a case and small rucksack which together with a handbag and a shopping bag containing food to help with meals is guaranteed to see me through any contingency.

The Gold bus from Edinburgh to Aberdeen will take us north, serving us drinks and muffins or scones twice on the 2 hour 50 minute journey. I am not sure I will have the ability to refuse, it might be considered rude.

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