
By mydayblipped

Cosy Corner

ok no where near a brilliant photo but this almost reflects my day, or rather the very opposite of my day. I'd have rathered something that represented chaotic but hey we'll go for the cure!

It has been one of *those* kinds of days.

Started off that before 7.30am I was hand sewing (not that I can machine sew mind but that's a whole other story) 4 sections of one of my daughter's school cardigans. The seams had gone at 4 places and she *had* to wear this particular cardi to school today because she and 5 others were going to TAQA to present an animation they created for them.

Then at 7.40am I was actually, physically, literally running to the bus stop.

I don't *do* running

But she had got up, after being put to bed, last night at 9pm to print off something for the aforementioned presentation. Of course she left the house this morning without it. So I ran to the bus stop with it to give it to her

Today was my first shift back at the charity shop that I have been volunteering in, once a week, since the end of April. I had to stop whilst the kids were on school summer holidays, so it's been a wee while since I was last in.
It will be a very very very very very very long time before I go back.

I decided by 11am

I was going to go into the detail Takings not banked for more than a week (because someone else will do it...), being left on my own in the shop for 1 hr out of the 3 I was there (not supposed to happen) and the fiasco about changing shift/volunteers turning up or not, volunteer details left in places they shouldn't, oh and someone stole stuff out the shop whilst I was through the back pricing stock, because the other volunteer doesn't like to think anyone would nick anything and sat reading her book. That's just to mention just a few, but lets just say it is an absolute shambles and there's no way I want to be involved with that.

Home in the afternoon well stressed looking for a cosy, quiet stress free place to hide duvet (photographed) with a cup of tetley had to do, despite it being far more preferable that I had some form of alcohol :D

Then as part of doing the presentation, because TAQA were so pleased, each member of the group that did the animation received a golden ipod shuffle.

Well we are not an i-anything family, so lord knows what you do with this piddly wee thing that is supposed to play music.
After having to endure shouting/crying/paddying from my daughter, I managed to get some songs on it.

She owes me.

Don't ever say I am not a good mother. Ever. Period. :D

Now my kids are in bed and I can finally catch up with photos and such things.
I look forward to tomorrow

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