New Neighbours?

Don't you think some days seem like two days, therefore needing two blips??

(Before anything else, remember how I begged you to pray/dance/whatever for rain in NE Brazil end of last year? Well, need to tell you that yesterday, we received two photos of the water holes overflowing - first time since we left there - five years! So, thanks for whatever you did to help that happen!)

Woke up (after yet another rubbish sleep) to a day that turned very sunny - actually got too hot at one point - though back in thick dressing gown and scarf over my clothes as I blip... And out the window, two roofs away, this pair of storks, who appear to still be there tonight. Something quite fairy-tale-ish about seeing storks out your window, for me, anyway.

Eventually got to Évora, but everything we needed was closed for their huge lunch breaks - so off to Mora to start setting up exhibition. Won't bore you with details, but more needed doing than we'd thought. AJ and J were absolute stars; J is very artistic, and helped sort out how the photos should be hung - see extra. Manuel was also a real friend - asked for loads of the posters, and went off to invite folk.

Back to Évora; can you believe the only printer had run out of photographic paper?? Anyway, that was over 200km, all to be repeated tomorrow...

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