Whatsaat? Wednesday 3

Whatsaat l hear you cry... you must have a guess and let me know!!  I wil tell you all tomorrow and liberally scatter stars to those of you who take part.

I was woken (during my little lie in) this morning by a hammering on the door.  I peeped out of the curtains to see to my horror the scaffolding team who were not meant to come until tomorrow or Friday.  Oops, well I managed to leap up and get dressed before meeting them and now they have gone because the rain has started.. the house feels dark... and this will be the way for another few weeks.  At least the spring is coming and the light levels will improve.  

Do take a guess at what this item is and join in yourself with your blip today.. and tag it Whatsaat3.  l look forward to seeing your images

Link here for the description of the new challenge in 'Activities Challenges'

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