Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

A strange encounter.

Some days life doesn't seem to make much sense. This morning, whilst walking to the Sands of Forvie, I came across a tongue lying on the grassy track. It had been neatly severed but there was no blood to be seen, nor any other sign of violence. I have absolutely no idea as to what had happened.

I guess that I should mention that, despite the human appearance, it was a rabbit's tongue, just in case you were wondering if it is safe to go out! But I still don't know what drama had unfolded on Forvie Moor overnight, or early this morning. Suggestions welcome!

Meanwhile as the Bard wrote:

I shall cut out your tongue.

'Tis no matter, I shall speak as much wit as thou afterwards.

Troilus and Cressida

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