Workshop Sunday

Nursing a champagne hangover in the workshop today as I stripped a second aileron of its fabric. This one had far more patch ups and was much tougher. Found traces of yellow paint underneath the fabric and dope. This one will require much more sanding.

This evening I've been planning vintage events in my diary. Chatham Dockyard Steam Festival with aviation and steam engine friends looks to be the season opener in April. Queue wiggle dress purchase and the promise of a gentleman in a cap to accompany me, what fun!

A message from Kangazu about the next Mono Monday theme.
"In honour of Valentine's Day and International Friendship Week, which starts on February 12, the theme for Monday February 13 is "Can't live without".
Your pictures are not limited to people ... they can be animal (including people!), vegetable or mineral ... the sky's the limit!
Please tag your entries MM160."

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