
By patrona


The chaps had gathered as was their wont on a Saturday, behind the shed.
Henry had noticed a fallen branch, "Ah" he said "Watch out lads, not happy with this, this is what did for young Licken"
Thomas looked on dolefully, "Shame that was" he replied "that was a real to do, got the whole of the town involved nearly".
Jack looked down his beak "Thought it was an acorn that did for Licken" he snorted.
Henry retorted " But it was attached to a branch, so just as dangerous"
Frank had been hanging back, but now interjected " I blame all them poles"
"Poles" snapped Henry "Whats them got to do with it ?
"Well they cuts down the trees, they strew branches everywhere and they use the trunks to make poles, stands to reason" responded Jack.
Thomas said doubtfully "Might be the wind of course"
Jack said dismissively "Doesn't matter , its on the ground now, won't hurt there"
The lads mused for a moment, "True" Henry said, "Lets be off before we gets henpecked into cleaning it up"

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