Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Where to start?

I've not blipped as much as I should recently the reason over the last few days is that i was unexpectedly seen the NHS from the other side.

Day one Sunday on returning from our walk I had chronic pain in my abdomen I took some paracetamol and went to bed, thinking I'd be ok on Monday. I woke several times during the night burning up.

Monday long 12 hour shift going to work still in pain but being very British I carried on working my shift in pain going hot then freezing cold. Tuesday long 12 hour shift pretty much the same but the pain was getting worse and going through into my back. One of the nurses told me to go to a and e and get a urine test as I was showing signs of a uti.

But once again I thought I'd be ok, I got home went to bed and was very uncomfortable I was on the verge of taking myself to warwick hospital and thought I may as well wait till I'm back in to work in the morning.

Wednesday morning I put my head round the door onto the Ward and told them I was going up to the walk in clinic and would be half an hour.

I only returned an hour or so later to tell them I had been told to get myself over to our sister hospital near Birmingham, they thought I had appendix troubles.

I managed somehow to drive to heartlands hospital, park in the staff parking and walk to the surgical assessments Ward, I had various bloods took,was prodded and told I needed to have a ct scan and I wasn't going anywhere.

I had my uniform on and nothing with

Off I went NBM for a ct scan which I've seen many times done but never had done.
When I got back,the registrar called me in to tell me that they had found a few things in my womb a fibroid the size of a tennis ball
And something else lying behind it but they can't see what it is ,I have fluid in my womb and infection.

I was put on high painkillers still not allowed to eat in case I was going to theatre.
Thursday I was told I had to have an ultrasound so off I went in the wheelchair but was sick from the pain killers all the way there and back.

The ultrasound didn't pick up much else but I was to see the consultant later.
I waited all day and they told me they were to perform a biopsy. They attempted to do it but my pain was to intense so they have told me to come home and rest for a couple of weeks and I will go back and see what's what then.

To say I'm not scared would be silly, it made me realise lots of things, how important things we take for guaranteed are.

I so missed the dogs and was told Roo missed me, we've rarely been apart.

So this is why I've lapsed a little with my blips.

But boy I missed these furry pals and so wished I'd had a therapy visit.

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