Wood Pigeon (N.Z Native “Kereru”)

A good day weather wise so The Boss attached me to his pak and off we went to the Polhill Reserve which consumed 37 floors 19,400 steps and almost 11 Km. from our base here in Wellington. 
It was a voyage of discovery as we had not been there before and proved to be a bit of a grunt …for him not me…but the views from the top were great. We found out at the top that this was only one top and the toppier top was further but by then it was getting on so the toppier top will be another day’s challenge and we will come back with sandwiches and other enhancements.   
On the way bark (mini) deep in the forest something stirred and it proved to be a Wood Pigeon that played with The Boss for some time.
I really worry sometimes ‘Cos the minute he is safely away from The Bossess he starts getting interested in Birds. I suppose these guys are safe enouf?

For those overseas folk that have never encountered N.Z Wood Pigeons they are very recognisable by the wonderful noise that their wings make in flight. Sorta Wheeot Wheot sound.

Pawscript  This late addition to extras came from The Bossess in Wanaka. Fab Pic I thought.

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