Look who we found!

2years 311days

Today was one of those days where it all looked to have fallen apart at the start of the day. Our first set of plans were cancelled, our standby plans were cancelled, and our final set of plans didnt happen either! But it turned out to be a fab day. Granny and Grandad ended up taking the morning off and joining us for fun time, after a leisurely start at their house.

We walked out and through the cliff gardens, down to the beach. We strolled along the sand before playing tourists for a while. We bought fresh (super yummy) doughnuts, before Katie remembered a ride that in March we had said was a "look only" ride. Not long ago, she was afraid when the rides began to move and sing. Those days are now passed. As well my wallet knows. She had a ride on Hello Kitty, a mini carousel, Iggle Piggle and Peppa Pig. She did well though when I said "no more". We stopped in a shop or two before we walked round the Marine Drive. She walked a lot of the way! We had a tray of chips and a cuppa at the Oasis Cafe, sat undercover but outside by the sea. Wonderful!

After saying goodbye to G&G, we went to meet up with friends - the lovely Kerr and family of the Hoppy Daze journal who happened to post on facebook that they were holidaying in the same town my parents live in! It was rather exciting to meet them. Despite a brief pretence of shyness, the kids were soon playing peepo under the coffee shop table, and encouraging each other to shriek with delight. A pair of Thomas Tank flags helped things along. Even more so when we took them on the miniature steam train. They both loved it, particularly the tunnel. It was Katie's first time on this, another something that features in my childhood memories. We stopped for ice creams for the children (ok, and this mummy) before heading to the station and saying goodbyes. More wonderful friends that we have been lucky to meet in real life, thankyou blip!

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