A Right of Passage

2years 310days

Katie was really excited to be waking up at Grandads house today. She got up and was desperate to get stuck in to a big play with her toys here, one happy little lady. She had a bath and breakfast before we all headed out for a walk. We went into a couple of shops, at which point she asked for cheese straws (and devoured several!) She also asked for an ellie but I didnt have one for her, and we saw rather nice Paralympic scarves in Next and she was very pleased to take possession of one.

We then spent the whole afternoon and early evening with very dear family at a now annual bank holiday weekend family gathering. A yummy Sunday lunch to start, then a very fun time playing in the sunshine in the garden. Hockey, diddycars, ball hunting, chasing and laughter. And the blip moment - Katie's first time of being able to independently play on one of the diddycars, a family favourite for a now numerous collection of our cousins, nephews, nieces and children. She had a wonderful time. We paused for afternoon tea and she played round inside for a while before we all restarted the outside fun (after a ball hunt again!). Come teatime, she started her tea and enjoyed that very much, but then asked to have a cuddle. She snuggled monkey, snuggled Mummy, and went to sleep. And stayed like that in the transfer to sofa bed, the transfer to car, to inside and to her bed!

PS Yesterday now backblipped!

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